Friday, January 14, 2011

Adoption: Heaven's Gift (Focus on the Family)

Looking back on the heartache of infertility, I see that through all the pain and disappointment, God hadn't forgotten us.

You can read the rest of this story here;

Sunday, January 2, 2011

There is Purpose

"There is a purpose on every life that comes into this world."
What are we going to do with it? We as mother, even those who have lost a child or children they have carried have a purpose. Are you using your life to train those children you have? Are you ministering to other hurting parents who have lost a child?
With the child that we lost, there has been good to come out of that precious life. Some have renewed there relationship with the Lord, others have saw that God is a good God even in the bad times.
Who will you affect through your children? Do you realize you will affect Generations to come? That my fellow mom, is powerful!! We must be on guard at all times, and full of God's Word!
Take time today and everyday to be alone with God. It can be done, I promise, you are not too busy, you just have to make the effort!! It is important.
You can do it!

I Love You and Jesus does too!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poem about Miscarriage


My little one, barely formed

I've never seen your face

In this life I'll never hold you close

And yet,

For just a little while my womb was your home

From the moment I knew your life was in me

I loved you

I touched my stomach and knew that you were there

A miracle was being woven

But something was not right

I lost you, my little one

Before I got to know you, hold you close or see your face

My dear little one

My heart cries out for you with such loss and deep sorrow

But I know the LORD will hold you for me

And one day I will see your face

My precious little child

And joy will replace the grief and loss

But until that day the LORD will hold us both.


Wenatchee, Washington, USA

If you want to be the best mother you can be by God's Standards, look to this site. Nancy has a wonderful teaching. Her whole ministry is for and about MOTHERS!